
IMG_9044 (1067x1600) On Saturday 13th June we replaced two of our windows – the windows in the house aren’t really in that bad of a state, however the two top floor windows at the front didn’t close properly and we thought it a bit risky to leave them and the noise made it harder to sleep at night. There was, as we expected, a problem with replacing the windows; once the large plastic surround was taken out, we discovered why it had been there. Now all around our windows is a large opening into the cavity which we are going to board up and plaster and hopefully install some nice wooden sills.

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First house

On 11th May 2015, I officially became a homeowner for the first time, which sounds rather exciting. In my head I had a lot of things planned for this new house. And I had plenty of time to think about it, seeing as the process took 5 months from putting our final offer on the house, but I’ve had to adapt some of my plans and put the rest on hold.

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