So, we had some snow. It was pretty cool (no pun intended). We tend to not get a lot of snow down here. And when it does, it’s usually pathetic. So getting sent home from work and being (almost) trapped inside the house was fun for a few days.
And I got to take a load of photos of the snow.

This is how it started

The Park & Ride looking desolate

Ok, so we aren’t snowed in yet.

The snowflakes were actually this shape
Despite being sent home from work, I did still have to work. It’s one of the draw backs of being given a laptop. So although you get to work from home occasionally, you also don’t get snow days. So rather than going to have fun in the snow, I had to stay inside. 🙁

It’s still coming down

Not made for big feet

Winter Home

No cars go

A rare shot

Not gonna cook much with this

We’ve got the right gear
Having gone back to work, I suddenly realised something. It turns out this was our 5th Anniversary, and I had completely forgotten. Whoops. Usually we got out for something to eat or get takeaway on a special day. So Kate wanted to order some Chinese. I was not convinced that they would deliver, when the police were telling everyone not to go out on the roads. Kate then decided that we should walk over to the takeaway, but I was still not convinced that a) it would even be open, and b) we’d get back in time after trudging through he snow, before the food had all gone cold.
I managed to convince Kate to go to the local pub, which according to their Facebook page, was still open despite all of the snow.

New York

One sided

But it turns out the pub was lying, so when we got there it was closed.
We popped into the Sainsbury’s next door to grab a few bits to cook at home. Had we realised how long it was going to take the shops to get milk, bread and other essentials back in, we would have bought them there and then. But we didn’t know how useless everyone becomes because of a little snow.

Standing in the middle of the road

Find beauty

Warwick Avenue
We went home and snuggled up in the warm as it continued to snow overnight.
The next day, it had stopped snowing, but we’d had something else I’d not experienced before; freezing rain.

Stabby Stabby

Poor Piping

Frosted Glass

It doesn’t look real

Our rosemary didn’t fair too well

Not doing a great job

Frozen fennel seeds
Sadly I had to go back to work, so didn’t get to enjoy the snow any more.